New, Best & Fun Lists

Sometimes you just need a new book, movie or music idea!

Try the New, Best & Fun page!

Materials new to the library are featured in the New section. The lists are by category to help narrow your search to Audiobooks or Teen Fiction -- for example.

GRRL staff create lists regularly in other categories including:

Current Interest -- Bestsellers from the New York Times list are here as well as award winners and current activities

If you like... and Kids' if you like... are lists of alternative choices if you like an author or subject.

If you liked this program... are lists we occasionally create for a program that highlights parts of our collection.

If you're looking for... and Kids' if you're looking for... gives suggestions on topics and includes titles in a variety of formats.

Just for fun -- Exactly what it says! Titles in categories from the useful to the silly!

Lists change regularly and the New lists are updated as titles arrive in the library. There is truly something for everyone!