Items by Request

If you don't find what you're looking for on the shelf, you can place requests for books, movies, music, and more. Staff will be happy to assist you with this process, or you may request items online via the GRRL online catalog. The requested item will be pulled from the shelves or placed in the queue to be sent to your local library once the item is returned.


If Great River does not own a title you're looking for, we encourage you to request that we purchase the item through the Suggest a Title link in our catalog. This is an especially good idea if it is a new item released within the past year. If the item is ordered, staff will place a request for you and it will be sent to your local library after processing. If the item is not ordered, we will attempt to borrow it through Interlibrary Loan. If the title is older and you want to see if other libraries might have it, try GRRL Interlibrary Loan Services.