Most materials have a three-week loan period. If you are unsure when your items are due, check with your library during open hours or log in to your account at the top of this page. You may also renew items online or over the phone if nobody is waiting for them, up to 3 additional check-out periods. Items may be returned to any library book drop.
Special note about interlibrary loan items: These materials may have a special due date set by the owning library. Also, we are not able to renew ILL items.
Check-out periods vary from three days to three weeks for items in our digital library. Some digital providers allow you to set a shorter checkout period or to return an item early.
Material Type | Loan Period |
Hotspots (only available at select libraries), Lucky Day Items | One week (7 days) |
Books for all ages, DVDs, audiobooks, CDs, magazines, VHS video | Three weeks (21 days) |
Interlibrary loan items | The loan period on is set by the lending library, not GRRL. |
Book Club Kits | Six weeks (42 days) |
Equipment and Try It Yourself kits | Varies by type |
All Other Materials | Three weeks (21 days) |
Please turn your items in on time so that they are available for other patrons. See What happens if I forget to return my materials on time?
*Items are considered lost after 45 days overdue and patrons are assessed the full cost of replacement. If lost items are returned in good condition, replacement costs may be removed. Patrons will still be responsible for overdue fines accrued. Balances of $25 for more than 30 days will be referred to collections. Please return items as quickly as possible to avoid this.