New to FAQ

Commonly asked questions, answered!


Did you know that the Great River Regional Library system as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page? Here you can find answers to your questions about borrowing materials, requesting materials, computers & internet, library cards, branch hours, equipment, services, the catalog, and overdue, lost and damaged materials. 


New to the FAQ page are the following questions:


How do you let me know my requested items have arrived? 
GRRL provides notices to patrons by phone or email, depending on your preference. Notices will inform you which items are available for checkout and how long they can be held. If you'd like to change how you receive notices about requested items, please speak to staff or contact us by phone, email, or chat to have your account updated.
As a courtesy to our patrons who have selected email notifications, we also sent notices three days before items are due, three days after items are overdue, and one month before your account expires. To help ensure e-mail delivery, add us to your e-mail contacts: (In addition, you can always see what is on its way or waiting for you by logging into your account at the top of this page.) 
On the digital library, you may choose to have holds (requested items) automatically checkout when they become available or choose to receive email notification to check them out yourself when you are ready to read.


Does the library save my checkout / borrowing history? 
For privacy and security reasons, the library does not save your checkout history. This would also be a large amount of data for the library to save. We recommend using a website or app like Storygraph, GoodReads, or a good old-fashioned notebook. If you're trying to remember something you enjoyed from the library, staff are happy to help--we love to solve a good mystery!


See more of your questions answered on the FAQ page
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