Check back every week for a new dance to learn!
This week:
The Wave
The Arm Wave
1. The arm wave begins in your hand, as if you stuck your hand in a buck of tennis balls.
2. You try to roll a ball up the back of your arm.
3. Across your shoulders.
4, Down your other arm, and out your hand.
The wave is a good move to practice at home or when you're hanging out with friends.
1434344400 && time() < 1434949200){ // 6/15-6/22 ?>The Running Man
1. Stand with your feet together, arms relaxed by your sides.
2. Life and bend your right leg, forming a 90-degree angle then lift and bend your arms, elbows out to the sides with relaxed fists.
3. Lower your right leg, sliding your left leg back and lifting the left heel, while leaning slightly forward and push your arms down.
4. Repeat these hip steps over and over again.
1434949200 && time() < 1435554000){ // 6/22-6/29 ?>
Move Like Jagger
1435554000 && time() < 1436158800){ // 6/29-7/6 ?>Gangnam Dance
1. Stand with your legs wide apart, bending the knees slightly.
2. Lift left foot a little, then right, then left and left, adding bounce to the steps.
3. Repeat now with the right foot first. Move your hips to the beats.
4. Put your hands in front, crossing your wrists, as if you are holding the reins of a horse. Swing both wrists up and down.
5. Coordinate the leg and wrist movement.
6. Finally use your right hand to make a lassoing move, again and again, as you hold the invisible reins with your left.
The Grapevine
1. Scuff your left sole on the floor and bring it back into the air to start a grapevine to the left.
2. Step to the right on your right foot.
3. Step your left foot in back of your right foot.
4. Step to the right on your right foot.
5. Step to the left on your left foot.
6. Step you right foot behind your left foot.
7. Step to the left on your left foot.
8. Scuff your right sole on the floor and bring it back into the air to have your right foot free.
1. Put your right arm out, palm down. Put your left arm out, palm down.
2. Turn your right palm up. Turn your left palm up.
3. Put your right hand on your upper left arm. Put your left hand on your upper right arm.
4. Put your left hand behind your head. Put your right hand behind your head.
5. Put your left hand on your right hip. Put your right hand on your left hip.
6. Put your right hand on your right buttock. Put your left hand on your left buttock.
7. Sway your hips in place for three beats.
8. Hop a quarter turn to the right and start over.
The Sprinkler
1. Dominant hand behind the head
2. Arm in the air
3. In a jerking motion bring both arms together in a flapping motion as you spin in circles until nauseous.
The Tap Snap
1. Bend arms at 90-degrees
2. Snap fingers to the beat of the song
3. Tap foot to the beat of the song
4. Bob head to beat of the song
Up Rocking
Basic up rocking is a two-count rhythmic movement which is always done just before you floor rock. It's sort of like footwork in boxing: clean and precise.
1. Put your feet together and cross your arms
2. Pivot on your left foot and cross your right foot over the left while swinging your arms open. This is count one.
3. Return to the first position. This is count two.
4. Do the same movements to the opposite side.