Meeting Room, Max. occupancy: 10
This meeting / study space is available for patrons of the Monticello Library. The room may be reserved online, with a librarian, or from one of our internet or public access stations in the library. It may be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours, but more time can be assigned if available – please consult a librarian. Please be respectful of the library’s study rooms and their reservation policies. Thank you.
You agree to the following rules:
You will supervise the conduct of the members of your group the entire time participants are in the building or surrounding grounds and use only the space approved for use
Leave space in a clean, orderly fashion, including replacing items used to their original position
Comply with all city ordinances, Minnesota state statues, federal laws and the established rules for use
The permit holder assumes full responsibility for any unlawful act committed in the exercise of the permit
Violation of these rules may result in the termination of the event, and the loss of opportunity to use the facility in the future
First priority is given to library sponsored or endorsed organization including the City of Monticello and the Friends of the Monticello Library
Not available for programs involving the sale, advertising, solicitation or promotion of memberships, classes or services. The room is not available for money raising events and no admission fee may be charged nor may a collection be taken. Presentations may not be for the direct commercial gain of the presenter and no solicitation or promotion of products of services of a particular business will be allowed
The number attending a meeting at on time may not exceed the capacity of the room (10)