Explore career options by checking out an EPIC Experience Career Kit!
The EPIC program (Exploring Potential Interests and Careers) is a community collaborative for youth career exploration. Partners include the Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation (GSDC), the United Way, the Boys and Girls Club, and central MN businesses. The program started in 2018 as a one-day event for Central MN students held at St. Cloud Community and Technical College. The now annual event offers students an interactive, immersive experience to gain exposure to careers they might not otherwise consider.
GRRL partnered with EPIC to turn the EPIC event experience into a take-home kit, expanding the ability for kids and families within GRRL's service area to learn about career paths. GRRL’s partnership with EPIC is supported through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. EPIC’s Experience Career Kits include fun, experiential activities that are bundled together in a container. Learners of all ages can take them anywhere to learn about industries, jobs, and the skills needed for specific careers. There are a total of 14 kits to represent different industries. The industries align with the Minnesota Department of Education career wheel.
Kits highlight the following career areas:
- Health Science
- Information Technology
- Human Services
- Education & Training
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Manufacturing / STEM
- Architecture & Construction
- Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics
- Marketing, Sales, & Service
- Government & Public Administration
- Law & Public Safety
- Business, Management, Administration, & Finance
- Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
- Arts, Audio / Video Tech, & Communication
Each kit includes learning resources. For instance, the health science kit includes an anatomical model and a microscope set, and the architecture & construction kit includes a 3D modeling set.
Check out your EPIC Experience Career Kit in the library catalog by clicking here!
Check out a kit for 3 weeks, and start exploring at home.
EPIC continues to grow through collaboration and hopes to add more components to the kits and expand its offerings in the future. Learn more about the EPIC program at https://epic-mn.com/