Cabin Fever

Having Cabin Fever? Merriam Webster defines cabin fever as "extreme irritability and restlessness from living in isolation or a confined indoor area for a prolonged time." We all get a little stir-crazy during the winter months and quarantine times, but the library has much to offer you and your family.

We can help you beat the winter blues! Come into the library for games! Check out something fun, get cozy indoors, and play with friends.

Get a brain-teaser with these Brain Fitness Kits. Games in the kits include Quiddler, Jishaku, Boggle, Chess, Sudoku, BrainBox, and more. 

You can also check out robot turtles! These educational turtles introduce basic coding concepts to preschoolers while they play! Check out robot turtles and code monkeys online or talk with your local library staff about what games are available. 

Not looking for a game, but want to pick up a new hobby? Check out a Try-It-Yourself Kit! Here are some of our kit themes: clay, knitting, telescopes, and jewelry making.